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DNA activation

DNA Activation (DNAA) is a technique to activate the DNA in your energy field.

It was reported from the era of King Solomon of ancient Israel 3000 years ago. Ancient Egyptian priests used DNAA to maximize their abilities.

It is said that there are 720 DNAs in human energy fields, and most of people can utilize only about 4 to 5 DNAs.

DNA is a treasure trove of memory, and it is said that it is equivalent to 3,200 volumes by replacing the information of books.

DNA Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self. It also enables you to bring in and hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body, empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and abilities, and gives you more energy and clarity. It begins a process of releasing unconscious patterns (old emotional traps we fall into), while increasing your ability to use more of your brain and clears family and genetic karmic patterns. In addition to the DNA Activation itself, this session also includes several energy alignments to help you achieve a sense of peace and connection between your mind, body and spirit:

Effect of DNAA

 -It helps to find what is your goal.

 -Overcome limitations in yourself.

 -Enjoy your relationship.

 -Feeling happiness.

 -Blossoms your talent.


Price: ¥ 15,000 - (*with spaggeric undulation water)

Time: about 1 hour

*Also includes a 1-month supply of spaggeric undulation water that will assist in the facilitation in the energy clearing by this session.

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